“And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper.” Romans 1:28
It is unreasonable to acknowledge that sin exists and refuse that a holy God would judge it harshly, this inconsistency is a lack of understanding in the nature and depth of sin. Even the worst sinners make excuses for the wrongful things they do, and self-justification is the minimizing of sin.
A sinful person who tries to earn acceptance from God is like a leper winning to be Miss Universe, a cripple who is not allowed to run an Olympic race, a mercenary because he can’t win a Nobel peace prize or a moron who doesn’t receive a National Intelligence Achievement Medal. The distance between man’s tolerance of sin and God’s rejection of it is as great as man’s finite limits and God’s infinite greatness.
The Christian should always proclaim the biblical wickedness of sin, because only then can people appreciate God’s love when He suffered as a sacrificial substitute.