“For from of old men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither has the eye seen a God beside You who works for Him that waits for Him.”—Isaiah 64:4
Often times in the scriptures a writer will alter an Old Testament quote, the change that is made gives nuance to the idea at hand. In the above quote God does not reveal Himself to men by any god, but only to those who wait for the God of Israel. That is, the One true God, and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
God comes to those who wait
Just like the man and woman who walk arm in arm and doubly enjoy the scenery because they’re seeing it together. One does not run ahead of the other. Sometimes I like to re-watch a movie with others who see it for the first time. In this way I can enjoy the movie afresh, vicariously through them. The point being made is the importance of relationships and how they are built on being together. To wait on God is to love walking with Him.
The Apostle Paul probably had this verse in mine when he restated it in his letter to the Corinthians in chapter 2 and verse 9.
“But just as it is written, ” Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard , and which have not entered the heart of man , all that God has prepared for those who love Him .” 1 Corinthians 2:9
This time we are told that God reveals himself to those who love him. Therefore, Paul interpreted waiting on God the same as loving Him. If you are a Christian and you are not practicing waiting, which means giving God adequate time, and sitting at His feet in worship; you are not loving Him the way He desires to be loved.
Practice meditating on the sacrifice of His Son and the sufferings of Christ and in this way you will wait on Christ.
THE JESUS YOU NEED TO KNOW is a book about the most influential person in all of human history. Jesus has changed the stony hearts of men that believe in Him to caring, loving, empathetic hearts of flesh. His teachings have changed whole civilizations from tyrannical, aggressive war mongers to democratic liberties where they have been applied. This book examines the godly character, integrity, and motives of the greatest man that has ever lived, and how saving faith, in the right Jesus, can, by the grace of God, make Him the source of your own.