An Imperishable Inheritance
Imagine a world without death, disease, pain, or suffering, where all is good and nothing ends, then think how contrary that is to our present condition. It is said, “Nothing lasts,” and “You can be sure of only two things, death, and taxes.” Only the bible can assure men of eternal salvation through an inheritance that is imperishable.
In Peter’s first letter, he gives us four reasons why every believer can be assured of an eternal salvation. 1) An inheritance that is imperishable, 2) the genuineness of your faith, that is imperishable, 3) the precious blood of Christ is imperishable 4) the living and abiding word of God is imperishable.
First, The Christian’s inheritance is imperishable! “…who in his (the Father’s) great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you who by the power of God…” (1Peter 1:3-5, Emphasis added)
The Christian’s inheritance is secured and eternal because it is through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The grave could not hold Christ because the only reason He died was to take the penalty for our sin upon Himself. Christ the man never sinned so He need never die, as God He is eternal life and in His life, we are eternally secure.
Because Christ is eternal, His love, mercy, grace, and kindness are eternal as all His wonderful attributes; He will never tire of us and so we can rest secure in His love!