Thank you for liking my blog on worship. Just the concern for worship is encouraging to me.
Worship depends upon the state of a person’s heart before God, and since no one can know with absolute certainty the condition of another person’s heart, it is always best not to judge. Words and deeds can give clear indication as to whether or not a person knows the Lord. Such is the case of a person that persecutes a Christian unto death. Ultimately such a person can come to Christ, as did the Apostle Paul, but he certainly was not a Christian at the stoning of Stephen.
The topic that I would like to explore in this blog might be better understood by asking the question, is the environment that we find ourselves on a Sunday morning conducive to heartfelt worship? Does the time you spend on Sunday morning with believers encourage you to worship? Worship being defined by that state of being that bows low before the throne…
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